NEET Preparation Books
Nowadays, everybody wants to be Kabir Singh. (haha...that was a joke)
Among 16 to 17 lac aspirants, only around 70 to 80 thousand students will get through the exam. Why? Because most of the students don’t do serious preparation or do the NEET reparation blindly. You should know what you are up to and what you are preparing for.
NEET exam consists of 180 questions, 45 questions each will come from physics and chemistry. And the remaining 90 questions will come from biology. So, give more preference to biology will get a higher chance to get more marks.

Now, let’s talk about the books that will really help you in your preparation. For biology, classes 11 and 12 NCERT books are like holy books for NEET. NCERT books almost cover 80 to 90% of the biology portion. So, yeah, you need to give preference to NCERT first. Remember, it needs a thorough knowledge of NCERT books. You need to remember every single diagram and every single paragraph.
A 4 to 5 times revision is highly recommended for NCERT biology. Only after the completion of NCERT Biology, you can go for other books; Pradeep’s objective Biology, MTG fingertips Biology, etc. But remember, these books will only help you only after you have completed the NCERT books.
But for physics, concept clarity is the key thing. Solving problems as much as possible, only after that, you will realize the concepts. I will recommend Problems in General Physics by IE Irodov, in this book you will find over 2000 questions, which are really complicated, with a solvable hint.
You can also maintain a formula booklet or copy. For chemistry, it is a little complicated. You need to understand the topic deeply for organic chemistry. Practice a lot of questions. You will need to focus more on NCERT as for the inorganic chemistry.
Tips: Solve many sample papers as much as you can.
You don’t need to buy the books from the store or online and pay a heavy price. These books are easily available online in the form of PDFs.
You can check out mtg fingertips biology pdf.
All the best for your exam.
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